TallyPrime for seamless e-Invoicing

Benefits of e-Invoicing in Tally

  • Reduce errors and manual effort with seamless integration with LHDNM
  • Helps in tax filing & receivable management.
  • Save on cost and time with increased efficiency
  • Maintain a clear Audit Trail for all invoices, simplifying audits and compliance checks.

Manage e-Invoices in Tally

  • Generate & Submit e-Invoices instantly for Validation to LHDNM
  • Print e-Invoices with QR Code
  • Submit Single e-Invoice or in Bulk.
  • Combine multiple invoices such as your retail POS bills into a single Consolidated e-Invoice for easy submission to LHDNM.
  • Keep track of the 72-hour deadline before which e-Invoices can Cancelled
  • Issue Self-Billed e-Invoices if your supplier in unable to.
  • Download and import e-Invoices from LHDNM portal directly to your Tally, reduce manual effort, eliminate data entry errors and save time.

Overview of e-Invoicing in Tally

  • Complete transparent view of all e-Invoices and their status
  • Helps in monitoring Pending submissions, Validation and Rejection/Cancellations